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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-06-02 10:07:41

>> Question, have you tried to combine the streaming with boost
>> serialization?

> I think Robert Ramey has already done the work to combine serialization
> with iostreams, since his archive types are constructible from arbitrary
> streams -- that means it's already possible to create archives based on
> streams from the iostreams library, e.g. memory-mapped file streams.

> There may be other interactions I haven't considered. I've only read the
> documentation; I haven't actually tried to use the serialization library
> yet.

The serialization library archives use streams and make no special
assumptions regarding them. It works with all the streams I've happened to
try. I will be taking a close look at the iostreams library proposal. In
the course of implementing the serialization library I've had to become much
more familiar with locales, facets, codecvt, element types, EOF, etc than I
wanted to. Oh - and that fact that different versions of the standard
library have myriad minor quirks that have to be considered. This was
necessary in order to avoid dependence on the stream in the wrong way. I'm
very interested in this but have come to the conclusion that there might be
more here than meets the eye. - Of course that's why we have the review

Robert Ramey

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