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From: Stefan Seefeld (seefeld_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-06-02 23:11:56

Walter Landry wrote:

> Since the Boost license is compatible with the GPL, it would be legal
> to write, compile, and distribute a C++ interface. But it wouldn't
> gain you anything license-wise, since the C++ interface plus GSL would
> still be effectively licensed under the GPL. The GSL authors did this
> on purpose. They don't want to allow proprietary software to use GSL.


They certainly allow proprietary software to use GSL. What they don't
want is people extending their work (and that's how they would look at
a boost wrapper) be able to distribute that work under less free terms
than what GPL provides (

Note that the operative term here is 'distribute', not 'use'.
If you don't distribute you don't need to look into license issues.



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