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From: Michael Glassford (glassfordm_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-06-21 10:23:00

Douglas Paul Gregor wrote:

> On Mon, 21 Jun 2004, Thorsten Ottosen wrote:
>>|"Joaqu�n M� L�pez Mu�oz" <joaquin_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
>>|Aleksey talked about June 28th:
>>|but seems like there has been no activity wrt to releasing
>>|Boost 1.32 since. Is that date still valid? I guess it is not,
>>|for the one week remaining is probably to little time to
>>|arrange everything.
>>I don't know how exactly we usually do this. Some people would like
>>one of my libraries, Boost.Range, to be included in the next version of boost.
>>If the june 28th is the deadline, I won't make it. If july 28th is the deadline,
>>I might be able to make it.
> You're including time to stabilize the code in that estimate, I assume? If
> we're to pull together a release in the near future, we'd want to get all
> major changes (new libraries, etc.) in "soon" and then have a week or two
> to whack the portability bugs that always crop up.

FYI, I'm just finishing up the conversion of Boost.Threads documentation
to BoostBook format and hope to finishing checking in that and other
changes "soon" also.


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