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From: Batov, Vladimir (Vladimir.Batov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-06-25 17:46:44


With all due respect I am not sure that the additional complexity you
are proposing is justified. It appears that the differences in lock and
try_lock default constructors' behavior are consistent with other
libraries and actually feel intuitive and natural to me. After all, it
is reflected in what I do -- with lock I try until I succeed (that is
[Batov, Vladimir] the lock blocks until succeeds), with try_lock I try
once and may fail (that is it unconditionally falls through for me to
check the result).


Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 14:14:02 -0400
From: Michael Glassford <glassfordm_at_[hidden]>
Subject: [boost] Boost.Threads proposed change: lock constructors
To: boost_at_[hidden]
Message-ID: <cbf5as$hvv$1_at_[hidden]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

Below I detail proposed changes to the Boost.Threads lock class
constructors. Comments? Questions?



The Boost.Threads lock concept constructors are currently defined as

   L: lock type
   l: lock variable (type L)
   m: mutex variable (appropriate Mutex type)
   s: initial lock state (type bool, true=locked, false=unlocked)

   Lock Concept
   L l(m,s) //Blocking lock if s
   L l(m) //Blocking lock

   TryLock Concept
   L l(m,s) //Blocking lock if s
   L l(m) //Non-blocking lock

   TimedLock Concept
   L l(m,s) //Blocking lock if s
   L l(m,t) //Blocking lock, failing if not obtained by time t

These definitions have the following drawbacks:

1) That one of the TryLock constructors blocks while the other doesn't
is neither obvious nor very consistent.

2) That the single-parameter constructor of Lock blocks while the
single-parameter constructor of TryLock doesn't is neither obvious nor
very consistent.

3) Part of the reason for the above inconsistencies is that it's not
clear whether the constructors of TryLock should block or not.

4) The TimedLock constructors have no way to request a non-blocking

To address these problems, I would like to redefine the lock concept
constructors as follows (changes indicated with "^"):

   L: lock type
   l: lock variable (type L)
   m: mutex variable (appropriate Mutex type)
   s: initial lock state (enum type {NO_LOCK=0, LOCK=1})
   b: block? (enum type blocking_state {NON_BLOCKING=0, BLOCKING=1})

   Lock Concept
   L l(m,s) //Blocking lock if s
   L l(m) //Blocking lock

   TryLock Concept
   L l(m,s,b) //Lock if s; blocking if b
           ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   L l(m,b) //Lock; blocking if b
         ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

   TimedLock Concept
   L l(m,s,b) //Lock if s; blocking if b
           ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   L l(m,t) //Blocking lock, failing if not obtained by time t

Note: s and b are defined as enums rather than bools to prevent existing
code from breaking silently: e.g., if s and b were bools, "TryLock l(m,
false)", which currently means "construct a lock object but don't obtain
a lock", would change with the new definitions to mean "construct a lock
and make a non-blocking attempt to obtain a lock". Also, enums are more
explicit than bools.

Note: these changes will cause some existing code to break by producing
compile errors; the compile errors can be fixed by appropriately adding
or changing parameters being passed to the changed TryLock and TimedLock


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