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From: Jeff Garland (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-06-27 15:15:32

On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 14:03:15 -0500, Doug Gregor wrote
> The graph library has always been in a "barely usable" support on
> certain compilers (Borland <= 5.6.4 and MSVC 6.0, in particular).
> The regression tests have always been a mess---Boost 1.31.0 has very
> few passes for these compilers, and 1.32.0 isn't looking any better.
> However, the library is somewhat usable, if you stick to a very
> small subset and don't mind working around INTERNAL COMPILER ERRORs
> all of the time. What to do?
> I'm marking the library "unusable" on both compilers, so that we can
> concentrate our efforts on those compilers that might actually work.
> Complain loudly, quickly, and preferably with patches if you think
> this is the wrong approach.

>From my perspective this is the correct approach. I'm starting to think that
this is the last release I'm going to pay any attention to VC6 regressions
with date-time. With Borland 5.6.4 it might be 1.32. It's just taking too
much effort to support these old relics...


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