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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-06-28 14:53:33

David Abrahams <dave_at_[hidden]> writes:

>> The release procedure is too onerous. This isn't the problem, it's
>> a symptom of a more subtle problem. If the source of this difficulty
>> can be found can corrected, then releases can occur more frequently.
>> My personal view is that it's a symptom of a development process
>> that couples otherwise independent/orthogonal efforts. This is due
>> to the fact that we're all working against a development tree that
>> has experimental code in it.
> Wait; we are?? What "experimental code" is on the main trunk?
> That's not supposed to happen. If it has, it should be rolled back.

I would still like an answer to this; I find it somewhat alarming!

>> So minor issues ripple across all efforts.
> Robert, I'm very happy to have your contributions in this discussion,
> but it's hard to take your diagnosis of where the problem lies all
> that seriously when you haven't even been through a single Boost
> release with a library of your own!

I hope I didn't squash the discussion with this remark; I'm really
interested in exploring the possibilities here. I guess I should've
asked how you formed your impressions of the problem's cause.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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