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From: Glen Knowles (gknowles_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-07-06 14:18:35

> From: Rozental, Gennadiy
> I will see what I can do about it. If I remember correctly,
> the problem is that I do not know where the error occurred.
> So I have no way to print line pointing there. I could print
> only line pointing where the error was caught/detected. I am
> not sure it is what you want.

Ideally you would point to the line, but I can simply look at the output
from the assert which has the file/line info. I just want the IDE to notice
that there was an error so that I'll know something went wrong. As far as
I'm concerned you could make up a file and line if that's what it takes to
stop the build, in fact reporting an "unknown location" would probably cause
less confusion then reporting the place inside boost.test where the error
was detected.


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