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From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-07-19 10:27:33

David Abrahams wrote:

> > There's no "libs/detail" directory yet. Do you want me to create one,
> > move utf code there, and possibly add "libs/detail/test" directory which
> > will show up in regression tests?
> If it seems neccessary to create a standalone library, then yes.

It seems reasoable, because it's not templated code. Creating a library will
lead to a set of other problems. If both serialization and program_options
need to use utf library, then, should they link to that new library, or ask
that users link to the new library themself?

Since it case of static libraries it's not possible to link utf into
program_options, seems like the user would have to link utf manually. Hmm...
that's not good, but I don't see better solution.

- Volodya

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