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From: Joel de Guzman (joel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-07-22 22:43:39

Rozental, Gennadiy wrote:

>>There's boost/compatibility/cpp_c_headers/cwctype and
>>boost/compatibility/cpp_c_headers/cctype. Can we use those
>>instead and be assured of portability? Everyone seems to be
>>reinventing workarounds for these nasty little beasts.
> I was under impression that we should only use these headers where there are
> no native headers with appropriate name. Isn't it true?

Not sure. It says in the documentation:

Boost.Compatibilty library

This library provides workarounds which allow the other Boost libraries to be
used on otherwise non-conforming platforms. We hope that it will be possible to
remove this library at some time in the future as standard library suppliers
become more conforming.

I think it is the right place for a common workaround to such problems.
We too had the same problem as you had and had to write some similar
compatibility workarounds. Other libraries also provide some sort of
workaround (e.g. <>).
I think it would be best to have a single place to put them.


Joel de Guzman

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