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From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-07-31 06:06:55

> I was also always under the same impression, but reading the MSDN docs on
> CreateThread it sounds a bit less restrictive than I remembered:
> "A thread in an executable that is linked to the static C run-time library
> (CRT) should use _beginthread and _endthread for thread management rather
> than CreateThread and ExitThread. Failure to do so results in small memory
> leaks when the thread calls ExitThread. Another work around is to link the
> executable to the CRT in a DLL instead of the static CRT. Note that this
> memory leak only occurs from a DLL if the DLL is linked to the static CRT
> and a thread calls the DisableThreadLibraryCalls function. Otherwise, it
> safe to call CreateThread and ExitThread from a thread in a DLL that links
> to the static CRT."

I never knew that, in fact I never knew that DisableThreadLibraryCalls
function existed at all, thanks for the pointer!

> Also, in what way doesn't exception handling work if the thread wasn't
> created using __beginthread? I tried the following snippet under
> which ran silently (yes, under debug config):

> I don't pretend that I understand all subtleties of exception handling,
> the above at least _seems_ to work ok.

You could be right, actually my memory is a little hazy on this one, but I
think the problem with Borland C++ rather than MSVC++ which I *think*
implements exception handling on top of structured exceptions (which should
always work), where as other compiles do their own thing and rely on some
global state to work correctly.



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