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From: Roland (roland.schwarz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-08-05 11:10:10

On Thu, 5 Aug 2004 11:41:13 -0400 Michael Glassford <glassfordm_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> I've looked at this, and if I haven't missed anything the pe_tls.cpp
> file is essentially the same as what you posted yesterday; the changes
> are in config.hpp and jamfile. Is this correct?

When my memory is correct, this is true. In either case I took it from my latest
source I tested with.

BTW.: while everything seems nice so far I just tried to use the thing with
MFC. It turns out that the process / thread init / term need even some more tweeking.
While every destructor is getting called properly the debug version of MFC still
thinks it has discovered a memory leak. Since this will be able to make a potential
user nervous, I am looking to a way to get rid of these messages (by finding
the correct calling order).
Also at the moment there is a problem with the new operator overloading of
the MFC library NAFXCWD and LIBCMTD. I will also try to fix this as soon as possible.
However a simple work around exists: In the linker settings one simply needs
to explicitely specify the NAFXCWD.LIB library to get things correct.


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