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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-08-20 18:00:30

Daryle Walker <darylew_at_[hidden]> writes:

> [Top-post since the new stuff gives a fuller context.]
> I think I need to explain things. (This is what I get for not reading Boost
> e-mail for a few days. I could have nipped this in the bud. I didn't find
> out about this problem myself until I tried a compile....)
> 1. <boost/utility_fwd.hpp> was introduced with
> <boost/utility/base_from_member.hpp>

_That_ was the first mistake.

> 1a. <boost/utility/base_from_member.hpp> #includes <boost/utility_fwd.hpp>,
> and needs to since a template value default is in the forwarding header.

It should have included boost/utility/base_from_member_fwd.hpp, if

> 2. The other forward-able items in <boost/utility.hpp> were added to
> <boost/utility_fwd.hpp> upon first commit.

Unneccessary. boost/utility.hpp is an obsolete construct; it's just
there for backward compatibility.

> 3. The various items in <boost/utility.hpp> were split into several
> headers.
> 4. The maintainers of <boost/noncopyable.hpp>, then _and_ now, ignored the
> fact that <boost/utility_fwd.hpp> referenced boost::noncopyable. This was
> the mistake.
> 5. What should have happened was to add "#include <boost/utility_fwd.hpp>"
> to <boost/noncopyable.hpp> at the time of the split.

Not doing that was the second mistake.

> 6. The reason for [5]? Headers that have a corresponding forwarding header
> should always #include that forwarding header. Why? So...

Yes, but noncopyable.hpp shouldn't have a forwarding header.

> 7. If someone makes a significant change in the primary header, the
> mismatch in the forwarding header will cause a compile-time error. (If only
> we caught the mistake at [4], then Dave's change would have been flagged,
> and we could have avoided this incident.)
> 8. Unfortunately, Dave and Aleksey didn't understand this and went the
> other way. Instead of adding "#include <boost/utility_fwd.hpp>" to
> <boost/noncopyable.hpp> (Bronek Kozicki suggested this), they excised
> boost::noncopyable from <boost/utility_fwd.hpp>.
> So, can we make the change go the other way?

No way, man. Some people already argue against noncopyable on the
grounds that it introduces too many dependencies.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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