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From: Reece Dunn (msclrhd_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-08-25 06:22:45

Miro Jurisic wrote:

>I also believe this community is capable of producing such a framework, but
>think that it's telling that the title of this thread is "Java style GUI in
>C++"; a Java style GUI typically implies making user experience sacrifices
>every platform, and therefore I believe that a "Java style GUI in C++" is
>to be driven by misguided goals.

What I meant by "Java style GUI" is not in terms of L&F, but in terms of
programming the framework. I understand how important having a native L&F is
to the particular OS you are using (implemented using OS components for
native feel): this is one of the goals I am aiming for.

Thus, in Java Swing-style C++, you can do something like:

   boost::gui::frame * main = new boost::gui::frame( "My GUI App" );
   frame -> set_pane( new boost::gui::button( "PUSH" ));
   frame -> set_size( 500, 400 );
   frame -> show();

   boost::gui::message_loop msg;
   return msg.execute();

And this will work, creating a window with a button in it's "client" area.
That is, allow the user to:
[1] create components/widgets using constructors instead of Create functions
(like MFC);

[2] allow "native" components (buttons, etc.) and windowless components (for

[3] provide a set of "layout managers" that are windowless components
allowing you to specify scrolling panes, splitter panes, grid layouts, flow
layouts, fixed/stretchy layouts and so on -- I personally find using layout
managers easy to produce interfaces rapidly;

[4] avoid message maps if possible -- I personally don't like message maps
and feel there is a better way to implement event handling. From the
discussions here boost::signal seems to be the way to go, but some effort
needs to be taken to produce a flexible, portable way of handling messages
that can both write generic handlers and OS-specific handlers;

That is what I mean by a Java-style C++ GUI framework.


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