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From: Rene Rivera (grafik.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-08-29 23:43:23

Robert Ramey wrote:

> When I build and run config_info using msvc-stlport I get the output below
> which doesn't seem correct. I get no reference to stlport.
> When I investigate the bjam output I find (for another test) I find that the
> following is being used for the command line:
> "cl" /Zm800 -nologo /EHsc -c -D_STLP_DEBUG=1
> /GR /MDd -I"C:\BoostMainCVS" -I"c:/Program Files/microsoft visual
> studio\vc98\include" -I"c:\STLport-4.5.3\stlport"
> -Fo"..\..\..\bin\boost\libs\config\test\no_ded_typename_fail.test\msvc-stlpo
> rt\debug\threading-multi\no_ded_typename_fail.obj"
> -Tp"..\..\..\libs\config\test\no_ded_typename_fail.cpp"
> This indicates that the Microsoft native include is specified BEFORE the
> STLPort one. This would explain why the config_info doesn't reflect the
> STLPort usage.

That it would.

> Can someone tell me what I should be doing differently?

Well here's the strange aspect of this; I tested this exact
configuration before putting those changes in and I get different
results than you do. Running with latest CVS, and bjam 3.1.10 I get for
the above compile this:


     CALL "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\VC98\bin\VCVARS32.BAT" >nul
     "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\bin\cl" /Zm800
-I"C:\CVSROOTs\Boost\boost" -I"C:\Boost\STLport-4.6.2\stlport"

Which as you can see doesn't include the VC include path.

That indicates that there is something different about your setup. Are
you using a custom toolset, or the msvc-stlport-tools.jam directly? If
you have a custom toolset what does that look like?

And for reference I used the stock msvc-stlport-tools.jam. And I invoked
BBv1 as such:

bjam -sALL_LOCATE_TARGET=C:\Boost -n -d+2 -sPYTHON_ROOT=C:\Python22
-sTOOLS=msvc-stlport -sSTLPORT_PATH=C:\Boost -sSTLPORT_VERSION=4.6.2

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