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From: Markus Schöpflin (markus.schoepflin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-08-31 08:20:56

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:

> --- Markus_Schöpflin <markus.schoepflin_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> A year ago or so David and I spent a lot of time rearranging the include
> statements in Boost.Python to avoid the warnings you reported. I have no idea
> why they still appear in your build.

When looking at the include statements, I have no idea why these warnings
don't happen in _your_ build. :-)

Seriously, the problem is, that <limits.h> is included before <Python.h>.
<limits.h> itself includes <standards.h> which sets (for example)
_XOPEN_SOURCE to 500 as a default, if nothing is specified. But <Python.h>
includes <pyconfig.h> which sets _XOPEN_SOURCE to 600.

I know that boost.python is aware of the issue (see comments in
"python/detail/prefix.hpp") but I don't understand how the workaround is
supposed to work. :-( IMO, at least <pyconfig.h> _must_ be included before
_any_ system header. Everything else is asking for trouble...


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