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From: Jonathan Wakely (cow_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-10-11 12:29:10


The libstdc++ developers are starting to implement the library
extensions from TR1, including Boost-like smart ptrs, regex etc.

I have volunteered to look into modifying the Boost smart pointers to
match the TR1 specs and the libstdc++ coding standards.

I realise I can modify the files and include them under the terms of
the Boost licence, but the last Boost code to be used in libstdc++ (the
concept checks) were licensed under the GPL. I believe that was
something Jeremy Siek (as copyright holder) allowed specially:

Would the SmartPtr authors (Peter, Greg, Beman, Daniel, Howard, Multi
Media Ltd ...) consider allowing modified versions of shared_ptr.hpp,
weak_ptr.hpp, shared_count.hpp and (maybe) checked_delete.hpp to be
included in the GCC sources? It would probably require licensing them
as GPL, which is where I imagine some people might have reservations.
That wouldn't affect the copies in the Boost tree, of course.

Allowing this would greatly speed up the process of adding TR1 features
to libstdc++ and tracking the draft TR as it evolves. I am prepared to
rewrite the smart pointers without using Boost code if necessary, but
would obviously prefer not to, when the Boost implementations are the
reference ones that were used for the TR1.

I eagerly await responses, as whether I have to rewrite the classes or
not will have quite an impact on my free time :-)


"The following story is true.  By which I mean false.  It's all lies.
 But they're entertaining lies.  And in the end, isn't that the real truth.
 The answer, is no."
	- Leonard Nimoy, in "The Simpsons"

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