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From: Tobias Schwinger (tschwinger_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-10-12 02:19:58

Jonathan Turkanis wrote:
> "Tobias Schwinger" <tschwinger_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>>Jonathan Turkanis wrote:
>>>>>It's not really meant to compete with your proposal -- I wrote it for a
>>Why not ?! If it's undoubtfully better it should be used instead.
>>I don't think it is that _clearly_ better, yet. Although it has some
> I just meant that it wasn't intended to supplant your proposal. I'm happy to
> work together with you, or to let you steal anything you like from my code ;-)
>>Feel free to read / use / change or just deprecate my code in order to
>>take it there ;+).
> Thanks. I'm feeling freer already.
>>First of all: _very_ nice documentation (by the way: you do not manually
>>code the syntax highlighting, do you ? ;+).
> I have keyboard shortcuts for the various categories.
>>Looking at the implementation I think there is a lot of redundancy.
>>There is one cascade for references, one for pointers, one for function
>>(non ref/ptr) types and the same for synthesizing once again.
> Right. For some reason it didn't occur to me to use add/remove
> pointer/reference, as you mention below. I wrote the implementation fast, and
> it's so easy to copy and paste ;-)
>>Comparsion (JTFT versus TSFT):
>>The JTFT separate function I/O signatures into result, arguments
>>and optionally class. TSFT only separates the input signature from the
>>result. I have no idea which approach is better as there are
>>applications where JTFT is more convenient (implementing closures) or
>>where TSFT is more convenient ((full) argument binding). Both interfaces
>>semantically make sense to me. While I read it now - I think I like the
>>JTFT interface better... What were your thoughts on this design ?
> To me it's more natural not to consider the implicit object pointer position to
> be part of the argument list, which is why I chose my design. Whichever is
> implemented from scratch, the other can be implemented easily as a wrapper.

Even though I thought quite a bit about separating them while writing it
- and I decided not to do so. Your interface does seem more natural and
thus preferable to me.

>>The JTFT introduce a new cascade of code for each kind of "signature
>>type" (used in the following text as defined in the JTFT docs). The TSFT
>>use one common backend for everything. The TSFT do not address function
>>types and function references. The idea behind it was: using add_pointer
>>/ remove_reference may be better.
>>The TSFT common backend comes with a price, too: It depends on
>>mpl::vector up to BOOST_TT_FUNCTION_MAX_ARITY to be included.
>>However, I think the backend part of TSFT is more simple and better.
> I think you're clearly correct about only providing specializations for one of
> the three type/pointer/reference family. Otherwise, superficial differences
> asside, our implementations are very similar. The one key difference is that you
> use overload resolution and sizeof to implement the boolean metafunctions. Since
> this information is already available in decompose, I'm not sure why you do
> this. Is it for efficiency?

In fact, I don't.

It's only done this way for compilers which won't allow these partial
specializations otherwise.

The naming of these files is probably confusing - "_fallback" could be
more clear than "_classify"...

>>Further suggestions:
>>1. Merge the best of both of our approaches
>>1.1. Implement the classification/decomposition interface of JTFT with
>>the TSFT (or similar) backend.
> Sounds good to me.
>>1.1.1. The TSFT needs to be adjusted slightly to simplify the more fine
>>grained separation of result,args and class.
>>1.2. use the native TT macros to publish the traits classes
> Good.
>>1.3. handle volatility
> Also good. I'm interested to know, though, whether this is simply a matter of
> being comprehensive -- which is fine with me -- or whether you think there are
> important use cases.
>>2. Strip out the synthesis part and replace it with an mpl-sequence
>>implemenation backed with (all) signature types.
>>3. Use this instead of mpl::vector in all cases.
>>Step 2 is not that new. Alexander brought it up (well at least the base)
>>when we started this discussion.
> Just to make sure we're on the same page, are you refering to these comments:
> "Alexander Nasonov" <alnsn_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>>Conversion to mpl::vector and back to signature would slow down
>>a compilation. Why waste your time if function_arguments can be
>>made as fast as mpl::vector after applying similar optimization
> ?

No. It was in the thread I brought up that this is missing.
Alexander suggested function_signature<T> could model an mpl sequence
itself instead of having function_signature<T>::type be an mpl sequence.

>>I did find it too complicated and tried to keep things "safe and simple"
>>in my proposal (it was meant as an extension to Type Traits rather than
>>MPL ;+). However, if you really want to go that far in terms of
>>modifying/synthesizing signature types, I believe this is the right way
>>to go.
> This is fine with me. Unfortunately, I'm probably not familiar enough with mpl
> optimization techniques to write a sequence type that will yield better
> performance than translating to and from mpl::vector. I hope you or Alexander
> have a better grasp of these issues then I do. I does sound fun, though.

A basic imlpementation could look just like 'vector' but with a few
typedefs more...

As you said: it sounds fun - and is likely to be slightly better.
However, I don't think it's that very important - as the case of
modifying signature types is not likely to happen that often (correct me
if I'm wrong).
I would vote for this even without a special sequence, that is...

>>One last note:
>>The imperative used in the previous section is not meant as harsh as it
>>may sound.
>>So the section should be read as my todo list for the project: "combine
>>the best parts of JTFT and TSFT into FT".
> You don't have to worry about offending my sensibilities. I'm unflappable. ;-)

Good to hear ;+).

Who's doing the megre, then ?

I'll be quite busy until the middle of next week and won't get very much
done before it...



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