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From: Dirk Gregorius (dirk_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-10-16 10:38:31


I used the split function on the following string:

vector<string> tokens;
string str= "( 448 448 64 ) ( 448 0 64 ) ( 0 448 64 ) name 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0
0 0";
split( tokens, str, is_any_of( ()), token_compress_on ); // I pass 'space'
, '(' and ')' into is_any_of()

I was supposed to get 18 tokens. The first nine values, the string "name"
and the remaining eight digits. "split" always returns a string vector
containing 19 tokens, where the first element of the vector is an empty
string. Why does the function insert empty strings into the collection? Can
I use split to obtain the 18 wanted tokens?


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