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From: Timo Geusch (timo_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-01-03 17:08:05

Caleb Epstein wrote:

>On Mon, 3 Jan 2005 09:24:47 -0800, Robert Ramey <ramey_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>>l show mostly failures for the sunpro platform. These failures inhibit the
>>serialization libraries from building - (and probably others as well). Are
>>there any plans to accomodate this compiler? If not, should it continue to
>>be tested?
>This compiler fails so many tests, turning it off might make sense.
>There are newer versions of SunPRO than the one I am using (I have CC:
>Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 C++ 5.3 Patch 111685-20 2004/03/19) which may
>be better, but I'm not in a position to upgrade.
>Anyone out there in Boost land have a newer version of SunPRO and care
>to run the regression tests?
I do have access to the Workshop 8 / SunPRO 5.5 compiler at work and am
planning to invest some time into trying to get more parts of boost to
work with both the 5.3 and the 5.5 compilers. I'll see if I can find the
time to run those tests tomorrow to see if they pass or not.

Success so far has been rather limited, mainly due to the fact that
"making boost work" isn't part of my real job description :-), however
I've now got at least the smart pointer library working properly with
both 5.3 and 5.5. More bits and pieces will hopefully follow over time;
This depends somewhat if my employer would be kind enough to provide me
with access to the compiler on my home SUN as I don't fancy spending too
many nights in the office...



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