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From: Tobias Schwinger (tschwinger_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-01-14 12:50:11

Loïc Joly wrote:
> Hello all boosters,
> I was wondering if a polynomial class has ever been proposed for boost ?

Hi Loïc,

Sounds like you have a polynomial class you want to propose...
What can I do with it (multiply, divide, derive, integrate, create a
regression curve from a set of vectors,...) ?

I would prefer a functional analysis toolkit which is not limited to
just polynomials ("spirit for functional math", so to say).

Something which feels like this:

   function f = ( _3 = sqrt(_1) * sin(_1 ^ _2));
   BOOST_ASSERT(f.derive(_1).derive(_2) == f.derive(_2).derive(_1));
   cout << "x2=f(x1;x3)="
        << f.calculate<double>((_1 = 1, _3 = 2)) << endl;

I'm aware that it's an advanced task to get it together. However, its
usefulness would be undeniable then 8-).


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