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From: JOAQUIN LOPEZ MU?Z (joaquin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-01-21 13:51:01

Hi Jeff,

----- Mensaje original -----
De: Jeff Flinn <TriumphSprint2000_at_[hidden]>
Fecha: Viernes, Enero 21, 2005 4:46 pm
Asunto: [boost] Re: [multi_index] interest in a random-access index?

> Joaquín Mª López Muñoz wrote:
> > A. Is there interest in having this in Boost.MultiIndex? I wouldn't
> > like to add stuff just for the fun of it.
> Definitely! I've been thinking about replacing the internals of a
> displayTable class that is derived from the MFC ListView class. I
> need random
> access when the user does in place editing, while also needing to
> allowordering by multiple indices when the user clicks on a column
> header.

I've taken a look at CListCtrl and cannot figure out why
you need a randon-access index (the additional ordered indices
seem obvious enough.) Just to make sure, would you care
to explain how a random-access index would be used in your
situation? (thanks)

In case I finally write this, would you volunteer to test
a beta version of it to assess its usefulness?

Joaquín M López Muñoz
Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo

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