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From: JOAQUIN LOPEZ MU?Z (joaquin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-02-01 18:17:00

----- Mensaje original -----
De: Beman Dawes <bdawes_at_[hidden]>
Fecha: Martes, Febrero 1, 2005 11:36 pm
Asunto: [boost] Status of BOOST_ASSERT?

> BOOST_ASSERT is documented at
>, but it isn't
> mentioned or
> linked to in the library index, programmers guidelines, or utility
> index.
> If Boost libraries are really supposed to use BOOST_ASSERT, seems
> like we
> need to better integrate it into our docs by mentioning it and
> linking to
> its docs on the above pages.

The utility section is kinda messed up. Some utilities like
enable_if are included by boost/utility.hpp yet they're documented
separately. Others, like result_of, are *not* included by
boost/utility.hpp, though the docs seem to imply it is.
in_place_factory has its own docs, but it lives in boost/utility.
compare_pointees seem to be in a limbo, and so does

As for BOOST_ASSERT, I guess there is no objection against using
it (at least, I hope there isn't --I'm using it :) It is just
that somehow the docs got unlinked.

Joaquín M López Muñoz
Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo

> I looked at the archives a bit, but didn't see any definitive
> answer as to
> whether or not we had decided to use BOOST_ASSERT rather than
> plain assert.
> Comments?
> --Beman
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