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From: Jared McIntyre (jmcintyre_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-02-04 21:23:39

>No, note that the test_simple_class includes serialization of a wstring
>object and that it seems to work with all archive types
>Are you including:
>include <boost/serialization/string.hpp>
>in your code?

Yes, its included. I'm not in front of the code base at the moment,
so I can't look into how the test_simple_class deals with, but I will
look at it Monday.

> >
>> As a side note, I've tried to incorporate the wide version of the
>> library and use that, but I'm running into a different batch of link
>> errors:
>Note that there are TWO serialization libraries. libboost_serialization
>includes all basic code for serialization as well as precompiled class for
>character mode i/o. libboost_wserialization includes precompiled classes
>for wide character i/o. This was done this way in order to
>a) simplify thngs for platforms which don't implement wide character i/o
>b) speed up things for those who don't use wide character i/o
>So in addition to linking with libboost_serialization.lib, link with
>libboost_wserialization.lib as well

They are both included. I haven't had a chance to spend a whole lot
of time looking at why I'm having issues with the wide version.


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