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From: Jonathan Turkanis (technews_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-02-07 22:27:57

Scott Woods wrote:
> Hi Roman,
>>Christopher Diggins wrote:
>>> The current proposal to require native file access methods I think
>>> is too limiting. I would propose instead writing a new version of
>>> fstream which operates on vectors of files. This can be done
>>> relatively easily

> I have been working on something similar for a while. Maybe some
> experiences along the way are relevant (helpful?).

<snip interesting details>

> * there is no knowledge of bytes consumed, instead I only remember Mb
> * the only "addressing" is by ordinal, e.g. log[ 68755 ] so my maximum
> addressable
> space is a function of 32-bit integers (the ordinal) and the bytes
> consumed by
> each log entry.

Could you elaborate on these points? What is the interface for accessing the

> Cheers.


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