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From: Sérgio Vale e Pace (svpace.forum_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-02-11 08:48:11

  the library evolved a lot since your first proposal, and it seens
very impressive. I agree with you about do not adding new
functionalities, in fact I would even remove some, I´m not
particularly liked the pause/resume thing, but that´s just me. I am
interested in submitting it to boost, but I have to say: I would never
be able to develop it as fast as you been doing, and I never made a
boost submission before, but I would like to give it a try. still I do
thing there is need to polish and stabilize the design a little,
gather some more use cases and document a fill "best pratices" before
trying to submitting it


On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 15:48:28 -0500, christopher diggins
<cdiggins_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Hey Sergio,
> It's nice to have a friendly and supportive voice. So what do you think of
> the library so far? Personally I don't want to add much more functionality
> at this time. I am however very open to helping out anyone who wants to make
> changes and/or take over the responsibility of submitting it to boost. Is
> this something you still might be interested in?
> CD
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