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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-02-16 15:05:04

I have a program which consists on one line:

#include <boost/variant.hpp>

If I try to compile this using the main CVS tree, I get the following with
borland 5.51 and 5.64 compilers:

Error E2401 C:\BoostMainCVS\boost/variant/detail/substitute_fwd.hpp 50:
Invalid template argument list
Error E2041 C:\BoostMainCVS\boost/variant/detail/substitute_fwd.hpp 50:
Incorrect use of default
Error E2040 C:\BoostMainCVS\boost/variant/detail/substitute_fwd.hpp 50:
Declaration terminated incorrectly
Error E2394 C:\BoostMainCVS\boost/variant/detail/substitute.hpp 101: Too few
arguments passed to template 'substitute<T,Dest,Source,Arity>'
Error E2040 C:\BoostMainCVS\boost/variant/detail/substitute.hpp 101:
Declaration terminated incorrectly
Error E2228 C:\BoostMainCVS\boost/variant/detail/substitute.hpp 101: Too
many error or warning messages

What can be done to fix this?

Robert Ramey

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