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From: Gennadiy Rozental (gennadiy.rozental_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-02-23 02:34:41


I am trying to finally implement DLL version of Boost.Test components. Here
is several issues/questions I have:

1. main() function

AFAIK there is no way to put a main function in DLL on windows. What should
we do instead? I reworked the framework specifically for the purpose of
making this kind of separation easier. But I still would like to hear what
people think in this regard.

2. main() function again

On unix(s) there is a possibility to put main info dlls (If I am wrong
please correct me). Should we use different semantic for Windows and Unix(s)
or use the one I implement for windows?

3. init_unit_test_suite

I need to call external function from inside of DLLs. How it should be
declared? Cause I am getting unresolved symbols error

4. runtime-link

In my Jamfile in default build section of build rule there is
<runtime-link>static/dynamic. Should I keep this? Should I use static for
lib rule and dynamic for dll rule? Nothing for lib dynamic for dll?



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