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From: Rene Rivera (grafik.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-04-12 13:14:32

Rob Stewart wrote:
> From: Rene Rivera <grafik.list_at_[hidden]>
>>OK I've done more changes/improvements. It's now a fluid layout. Since
>>no one except Dave had suggestions on what to I went with his idea of
>>two (mostly equal) columns. In this case the left is fluid the right is
> There's a lot I like, and I appreciate your attention to this
> effort. There are, however, some things I don't:
> - The two-column navbar takes a lot of space. If your browser is
> narrow for whatever reason, the navbar dominates.

That it does.. I'm attempting to implement a minimum width which would
help that (it's not easy with just CSS). But that would introduce
previous problems re: left-right scrolling.

> - If your browser window is sufficiently narrow, the section
> based approach separates the sections of the navbar from one
> another. Therefore, instead of this layout:
> text1 navbar1
> text1
> text2 navbar2
> text2
> text3 navbar3
> text3
> I'd like this layout:
> text1 navbar1
> text1 navbar2
> navbar3
> text2
> text2
> text3
> text3

Unfortunately that layout removes the topical connection of the
navbar/sidebar to the text.

> - Why not put some of the navbar links in drop-down hotspots or
> buttons across the top? That would reduce the number of links
> that need to be presented in the right side navbar.

Unless it's something that can be applied to other pages, i.e. the
version history page, I would not put it at the top. For example that's
what I did for my site:

> - If you keep the two-column navbar, then the
> Boost/Documentation/Mailing Lists list box for search should be
> alongside the search input box. It looks odd with the search
> input, list box, and Google logo stacked one above the other.

Yes. The version on my disk has the search box taking the full sidebar
space. Not sure about the Google logo, I'll try it above and see.

Something else I'm trying is to see having a different proportion of the
text vs. sidebar is fitting for a larger set of people's screens,
default or otherwise.

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