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From: Michael Glassford (glassfordm_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-04-23 20:23:53

Beman Dawes wrote:

> So far there are plans to propose Boost.Threads,

Is this something that's already being worked on? I have some ideas that
I've been thinking about to improve Boost.Threads, and some other ideas
that have been suggested to me (primarily by Roland Schwarz), that I'd
like to at least get other people's opinions of before a Boost.Threads
proposal goes too far. Some of the ideas come from the big
lock-unification discussion that took place on this list some time ago
(although I think I've come up with some interesting ideas on that topic
that weren't mentioned in that discussion). I have some other ideas as
well that I think people might find intereting.

On a related note, my last day at my job was Friday, so hopefully after
a bit of transition I'll have some more time actually to work on this
and also work on various bug reports before the next release.


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