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From: Edward Diener (eddielee_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-04-27 15:34:10

Stefan Seefeld wrote:
> David Abrahams wrote:
>> You can do some nice things with C++ interfaces:
>> entry_point hello(some_lib, "greet");
>> hello(world);
> What would that call to 'hello' do and how would you protect your
> application
> against ABI incompatibilities without heavy machinery ?

Normally it is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the ABI is
met. In C++ standard Windows DLLs many compilers provide #pragmas for
setting the ABI so that when one #includes the appropriate header file
for a class or a function in a DLL, the correct ABI is specified. While
a DLL/SO loading library might try to handle ABI in some way I just
wanted to point out that compiler specific mechanisms often support it.

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