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From: Rene Rivera (grafik.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-04-27 20:20:19

Rene Rivera wrote:
> But since you mention the svnmerge script, here's some questions.. Is
> there a way to use that script from one of the svn GUI clients? Is there
> a way to prevent the use of "svn merge"? Basically, what's to prevent
> users, other than convention, from messing up?

Never mind.. just found the documentation of svnmerge. And hence have
some answers.

But here's the thing, it solves the book keeping aspect of the svn
merge. But it doesn't solve the problem I had. It's not like I did not
follow the procedure of marking the comments with merge points and using
"-r N:M" to only merge the un-merged changes. My problem was that the
svn merge operation lost a line, literally. Which means that the
conflict resolution algorithm has a problem. So unless there's a
solution out there that doesn't use "svn merge" we might get bitten.

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