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From: Edward Diener (eddielee_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-07-14 16:17:07

David Abrahams wrote:
> I am defining a macro,
> BOOST_PARAMETER_KEYWORD(tag_namespace, name)
> that declares a keyword for the Parameter library. It has to be used
> at namespace scope. I have the option to define it so that correct
> usage requires a trailing semicolon, or so that the trailing semicolon
> is forbidden. Unfortunately I don't have the ability to make it
> optional. Which should I choose?

The former. Require the user to put a trailing semi-colon.

Lines like:

SOME_MACRO(parameter, anotherparameter)

look ugly, and are confusing since a C++ programmer will always end a
similar-looking function call with a semi-colon.

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