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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-07-17 14:36:04

"Carl Daniel" <cpdaniel_at_[hidden]> writes:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> "Carl Daniel" <cpdaniel_at_[hidden]> writes:
>>> Does anyone have a set of instructions for building and running the
>>> regression tests WITHOUT using Python? Right now, that's the
>>> sticking point - Python's not installed, and I'm unable to install
>>> it. If I could put together a ZIP file with all the command line
>>> tools pre-built and a simple BATch file to run them, that'd be a
>>> workable solution.
>> Somehow if they're letting us upload, build, and run our code it seems
>> like it should be possible to upload, build, and run Python, no?
> True that - I could upload the sources and just build it in place.

It's trivial; I would just go ahead and do it. The build system is
set up to work with a development installation of Python.

> Hopefully someone on the VC++ team can just install ActivePython on
> the machine for me. If I build Python locally, is there a
> straightforward way to identify all the files I'd need to push to
> the machine to have it work there?

Not that I know of. Why not just do the build remotely?

> I'm assuming there'd be more to it than just python.exe.

Yeah, all of the standard library, for example. And python.dll. Not
sure what else right now.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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