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From: Douglas Gregor (doug.gregor_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-07-24 23:03:16

On Jul 15, 2005, at 5:02 AM, Misha Bergal wrote:

> I've updated tarball/zipball making script
> (tools/release/ It has proven to be quite useful for
> 1.32.0 release. Basically it automates getting sources from CVS (with
> windows and unix newlines), building documentation, setting necessary
> Unix permission, cleaning up the intermediary results and making
> tarballs.
> There are some caveats though:
> 1. It runs on Windows and requires cygwin.

Does one run it from Windows Python or Cygwin's Python? I've been
trying the former, but I'm running into serious problems with the
non-Cygwin xsltproc (it's not finding files when trying to collect
Doxygen XML).


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