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From: Jason Hise (chaos_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-07-25 17:00:16

To make my singleton work with dlls, I have determined that I need to
export/import certain global lifetime management objects so that they
are visible across dll boundaries. To keep the library header-only, I
want to use the preprocessor to detect whether a windows dll, windows
exe, or other is being built. If it is a windows exe I want to export
the object. If it is a windows build and not an exe, I want to import
the object. And if it is not a windows build I just want to define the
object normally. A couple questions since this is unfamiliar territory
for me:

Can I export from an exe and import into a dll? It seems like normally
the reverse would be done, but this seems like a good way to ensure that
the object is only exported once.

What boost macros would I use to detect which type of build is occurring?

Is there any type of exporting or importing that should occur with the
Linux equivalent of dlls? If so, is there some uniform interface
provided by boost that wraps things like __declspec(dllexport) and
__declspec(dllimport) for most platforms?


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