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From: Eric Niebler (eric_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-07-31 00:21:03

I think there is a problem in the regex standardization proposal
regarding the begin- and end-of-line assertions (^ and $). It seems that
there is no way to customize their behavior via the traits. This is
inconsistent with the word boundary assertion, which is implementable in
terms of the word character class (\w). The author of a traits class
should be able to specify which characters are line separators.

A simple fix would be to add a character class for line separator
characters. Then, ^ and $ could be implemented in terms of
lookup_classname and isctype, just as the word boundary assertion is.

This leaves out an important corner case, though: \r is a line separator
only if it is not immediately followed by a \n. I haven't yet come up
with a traits interface that clean enough and general enough to satisfy.
I'm open to suggestions.

Eric Niebler
Boost Consulting

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