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From: Rene Rivera (grafik.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-08-18 10:08:55

Paul A Bristow wrote:
> I had understood that
> bjam option --layout=[versioned|system]
> If 'system', the libraries' names do not contain tool tag and version tag.
> Provided a way to request one or the other?

Yes. But the versioned one still creates unversioned "links" to the
versioned libraries.

> Not that I really mind getting both, now I understand why.
> Or have I misunderstood the documentation/options?

The differences between versioned and system layouts are more apparent
when compiling on Unix like systems. In those the internal name of the
libraries changes and instead of copies symlinks are created. If Windows
supported DLL internal names and symlinks (easily) it would use that
instead of making copies.

> PS I would be helpful to update to include the toolset vc-8_0 if available.

There are, just not documented. The toolsets others created for vc-8_0
are: vc-8_0-amd64, vc-8_0, and vc-8_0-x86_amd64. Not sure what the
differences are between the two amd64 versions though :-\

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