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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-11-22 15:23:01

David Abrahams wrote:

> 3. An archive can normally only apply an array optimization to a
> particular subset of types. This subset varies by archive type and
> can usually be captured by a type trait such as is_POD or
> is_fundamental.

In the situations that I've needed it, the subset of types that could be
written in a single operation could not be described by a type trait. A type
trait can't tell you whether the in-memory representation and the on-disk
representation of a type are the same. I just enumerated the types, guarding
the overloads with an appropriate #ifdef on endianness.

I don't understand how an archive could handle an array of arbitrary PODs.

> We'd like to encapsulate that choice in a base
> class template that allows us to avoid writing complex dispatching
> logic in each array-optimized archive.

I usually just add the equivalent of a save_sequence( A&, X*, unsigned )
overload for every X that is supported by A.

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