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From: Arkadiy Vertleyb (vertleyb_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-12-22 16:20:07

"Andy Little" <andy_at_[hidden]> wrote

> > "Arkadiy Vertleyb" <vertleyb_at_[hidden]> wrote
> >
> >> I will try to implement such registrations for mpl::vector[n], as an
> >> example. However, I think it's ultimately up to the library authors do
> >> decide whether or not to make their libraries typeof-enabled (I would
> >> happy to provide any help on the subject).
> >
> > Here it is (tested only with vc71, BOOST_TYPEOF_COMPLIANT mode). I will
> > have to add one macro to the typeof lib (marked in the source below):
> Thats great!
> Question is now, where to put this in boost directory tree and what to
call it.

And the answer is: nowhere for now :)

Because I can't code it properly without relying on internal details of MPL.
Note I registered templates up to vector10<>. But only Aleksey knows how
many of them should be registered, and under which circumstances. This is
related to BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_VECTOR size, and which headers are actually
included, such as vector30.hpp or vector40.hpp...

So this is just an _example_ of what to do on the typeof part. What to do
on MPL part -- I can only guess. That's why I think such registrations
should be ultimately maintained by the library authors.


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