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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-02-05 19:09:34

Beth Jacobson <bethj_at_[hidden]> writes:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> Paul Giaccone <paulg_at_[hidden]> writes:
>>> A better system would be (in addition to what is already there, rather
>>> than as a replacement for it) to provide this inverse function in the
>>> docs, so, in addition to the alphabetical list at
>>> (which is foo()) there is a list
>>> corresponding to bar(), but with a little more detail.
>> That's what is all
>> about.
> I would keep that, but also have a page that categorizes the libraries
> according to their appropriateness for different types of users, e.g.
> "C++ Tweaks" for people who don't really need anything special, but just
> want to make programming a little easier (this would include things like
> smart pointers, boost arrays, static asserts, etc), "General Use
> Libraries" for people who want better written, wider featured, or cross
> platform versions of commonly used libraries like date-time, threading,
> etc., "Specialized Libraries" like BGL, uBLAS, maybe the Python
> interface, etc., "Bleeding Edge Programming," for folks whose main
> interest in Boost is in gaining experience with the most up-to-date
> techniques such as the meta-programming stuff.

OK, care to draw up a page? If it's good maybe we'll include it with

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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