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From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-02-09 15:41:03

Hi Jeff,

> I prefer "shared_memory" as well, especially considering the recent threads
> on this list and the user list discussing new boost users not being able to
> easily/quickly finding what facilities are available. Had I not been
> introduced to the name shmem at my current employer(it's even worse, we have
> a shmipc library) I wouldn't have known what your library offered even
> though I've been using memory mapped files under windows for quite some
> time.

We can take it further. So if this library is also about memory mapped
files, a message queu named objects, containers and so on, maybe it's
something more related with inter-process communications (IPC) than with
only shared memory. Maybe IPC is even a worse name?



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