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From: David Greene (greened_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-02-21 20:17:45

Thorsten Ottosen wrote:
> David Abrahams wrote:
>>Thorsten Ottosen <tottosen_at_[hidden]> writes:
>>>Maybe it was an idea to have icons to show
>>>- on the list of libraries
>>>- in the opening page of each library
>>>that quickly reminds the user that
>>>- the library supports serialization
>>>- the library supports no exceptions
>>>Too pop-smart?
>>Sounds nifty to me. Small keyword text below each icon or maybe
>>tooltips, plus click-through to find out what it means in detail,
>>would make this really useful.
> One other relevant categories:
> - header only
> - rtti required

This is a really good idea. I'll suggest some others:

- thread-safe (in the re-entrancy/mutex sense)

and because it just came up as I'm learning Boost.Statechart:

- protects shared data (i.e. no worries about cache coherence issues)

I'm not familiar with Boost.Typeinfo yet but support for that seems
a similar thing to serialization.


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