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From: Johan Lindvall (johan.lindvall_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-02-23 02:17:04

On 2/23/06, Dave Moore <jdmoore99_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> This program runs to completion if _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING is set to
> 1, and fails if it is set to 0. trim() fails reliably on strings
> created using the template<IteratorT> basic_string(iterator,iterator)
> constructor.
> Any insight, workarounds, or any experience at all with
> _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING would be greatly appreciated.

I have had a similar problem. It turns out you can't turn off iterator
debugging without recompiling the C++ libs. The C++-libs are all compiled
with iterator debugging on.


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