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From: David Greene (greened_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-02-01 13:47:19

Sebastian Redl wrote:
> Spencer Collyer wrote:
>>Whilst working on a policy-based sparse-array class (which I hope to
>>submit to Boost at some point), I had the problem that there did not seem
>>to be any sensible way to organise the policies such that sensible
>>defaults could be coded in the template. Rather than always forcing the
>>users to specify the earlier policies, even when the default would be
>>fine, simply because they wanted to use a different policy for one of the
>>later parameters, I came up with the following little utility.
> This looks like a very nice utility, and I'm sure it could find application.
> A library facing a similar problem is the iterator library, where the
> use_default mechanism was used. In this particular case, however, your
> method is not applicable as it is, because the parameters specified by
> use_default can be primitives.

The iterator library is different because it takes its template
parameters individually, not as an MPL sequence. I'm working on
a Named Template Parameters library which would address the
needs of the iterator library. It's fully functional (passing
400-some tests) but the documentation is lagging.

I literally just ran into a need for the policy selector this
morning and was going to quickly code something up but Spencer
beat me to it. :) I'd love to see something like this in
Boost. It would complement NTP very nicely.


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