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From: Pavel Vozenilek (pavel_vozenilek_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-02 15:56:50

"Tobias Schwinger" wrote:

> The review of Alexander Nasonov's Promotion Traits start today.

Bellow are few notes from me. I do not vote here as I am
not that much knowledgeable of metaprogramming.


1. The documentation should really start with Rationale
   section and should contain complete examples.
   Examples written in this thread would be good start.

2. Includes should use

#include <boost/config.hpp>

notation rather than

#include "boost/config.hpp"

3. I got problems with Windows Intel 9.0:

icl: warning: problem with Microsoft compilation of

P:\promote-20050917\libs\type_traits\test\promote_util.hpp(30): error:
incomplete type is not allowed
      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(( ::boost::is_same< promoted , Promoted
>::value ));
          detected during instantiation of "void test<T,Promoted>() [with
T=UIntEnum, Promoted=unsigned int]"
P:\promote-20050917\libs\type_traits\test\promote_util.hpp(31): error:
incomplete type is not allowed
      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(( ::boost::is_same< promoted_c , Promoted const
>::value ));
          detected during instantiation of "void test<T,Promoted>() [with
T=UIntEnum, Promoted=unsigned int]"
P:\promote-20050917\libs\type_traits\test\promote_util.hpp(32): error:
incomplete type is not allowed
      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(( ::boost::is_same< promoted_v , Promoted
volatile >::value ));
          detected during instantiation of "void test<T,Promoted>() [with
T=UIntEnum, Promoted=unsigned int]"
P:\promote-20050917\libs\type_traits\test\promote_util.hpp(33): error:
incomplete type is not allowed
      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(( ::boost::is_same< promoted_cv, Promoted const
volatile >::value ));
          detected during instantiation of "void test<T,Promoted>() [with
T=UIntEnum, Promoted=unsigned int]"
compilation aborted for
P:\promote-20050917\libs\type_traits\test\promote_enum_test.cpp (code 2)
Error executing cl.exe.


icl: warning: problem with Microsoft compilation of

error: enumeration value is out of "int"

      LongLongEnum2_value =
[ snip many similar ]

P:\promote-20050917\libs\type_traits\test\promote_util.hpp(30): error:
incomplete type is not allowed
      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(( ::boost::is_same< promoted , Promoted
>::value ));
          detected during instantiation of "void test<T,Promoted>() [with


[ snip many similar ]

4. Intel 7.0 seems to be right out,
   I was not able to compile any example.

5. Playing with BCB: I got some promising success
   but full port would require longer work.
   I can help here if it gets accepted into Boost.

As an appetizer: all [::boost::] need to be converted
into [boost::] (BCB doesn't like the leading ::)
and there are some strange issues with namespaces;
it feels that

namespace boost {
namespace type_traits { namespace detail {
BOOST_TT_AUX_BOOL_TRAIT_DEF1(need_promotion, T, boost::is_enum<T>::value)

put the macro generated code into wrong namespace.

6. In

#if (defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (BOOST_MSVC == 1200)) \
    || (defined(BOOST_INTEL_CXX_VERSION) && defined(_MSC_VER) &&
    || (defined(__BORLANDC__) && (__BORLANDC__ == 0x600) && (_MSC_VER ==

just all versions of BCB should be covered.
5.5, 5.6 and 5.8 do have the __intX thing.

BCB version 0x600 doesn't exist yet.

Similarly all Windows Intel compilers I know about have __intX
as a separate type - the check <= 600 should be omitted too.


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