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From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-13 07:13:10

> I'd personally like you and the other Boost threading experts to keep
> working on a thread launching interface above Boost.Threads, and if it seems
> to be working out well, propose it for TR2. (That's my personal opinion - I
> have no idea what the rest of the LWG thinks.) There is still enough time
> for this if people get going. There has to be a proposal with proposed
> wording for TR2 by October, but it can have some rough edges. If the LWG
> likes it, you will have another six months to polish it and gain more use
> experience.

Ok, I have no problem to implement Kevlin's paper's thread launching
interface above Boost.Threads without implementing the rest of his
proposal, and do some documentation and tests. This issue is independent
from mutex reduction suggestion so I plan to only implement
thread-launching for now.



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