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From: Yashin Evgeny (evgeny.yashin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-17 00:07:03

First of all, if this is a not correct mailing list, please forward the
letter to a correct. Thank you.

Well.. Consider this code:

    struct LibraryClass
        Object* create_object();
        void push_in_stack_object(Object* );

In this case library user meets with ambiguity, should him destroy this
pointers after using these methods, or not.
I just thought out some very simple and small wrapper class, and name it
intact_ptr<> which the only way to say library user,
that this pointer user should not delete after using (in case of
create_object method) or library will not own the pointer
(in push_in_stack_object method). It seems that sometimes it's useful.

Also this class can decide another pointer related problems, like unwantable
increment/decrement operations, pointers equality comparing and so on.

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