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From: Geoffrey Irving (irving_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-02 13:01:08

On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 04:54:40PM +0200, Sebastian Redl wrote:
> Paul A Bristow wrote:
> >The Standard is imprecise on this issue, but I feel it is a very poor do
> >that such a bizarre small range of values should be wrong.
> >
> >Feels like an off-by-one rounding bug to me.
> >
> I tend to agree with the MS engineers here. I've found out only
> yesterday that the FPU/math library is not entirely deterministic in
> some calculations (including square roots and trigonometry, typical 3d
> stuff), so I think worrying about serialization/deserialization is useless.

Do you have example code / pointers to documentation for that? I've always
been under the impression that basic math is deterministic regardless of
IEEE compliance, and would really like to know if/where there are cases where
that doesn't hold.


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