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From: Doug Gregor (dgregor_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-08-09 10:28:57

On Aug 9, 2006, at 10:04 AM, Tiago de Paula Peixoto wrote:

> Hello.
> I've written a graphml reader/writer for BGL, based on the code
> Douglas
> Gregor posted on the boost users list at
>, and I'm
> sending it attached.
> It has the following additional features:
> * support for attributes of different types (int, float, etc.)
> * understand the following parse info attributes: parse.nodeids and
> parse.edgeids. If nodeids or edgeids are canonical,
> they are automatically converted into indexes, and there's no
> need to
> keep a name map, which saves memory for large graphs.
> If there's interest in having this in the library, I would gladly
> write
> documentation for it, and make the necessary modifications/
> adjustments.

This is great! If you would write up some documentation and a test
case (for our regression tests), I'll review the code in more detail
and add it to the BGL.


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