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From: Sebastian Redl (sebastian.redl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-08-18 13:42:48

On Fri, August 18, 2006 12:15 pm, JOAQUIN LOPEZ MU?Z wrote:
> 1. The lib provides functionality to spawn child processes and
> examine them through launcher and child classes, respectively. Yet, it
> seems to lack functionality to examine the *current* process. In
> particular, it looks like one cannot get the handle_type of the current
> process (Win32:GetCurrentProcessID) in a manner compatible with
> child::get_handle.

I agree. What I would also like to see is a good method of manipulating
the environment variables of the current process. Sure, there's getenv(),
but it's not exactly a great interface, and there is no portable way of
setting one.
But basically, when I pass environment variables to a child, I might want
to make them a modified version of the current environment, and for that
I'd expect the library to provide a way to access current variables.

> 2. Would it be safe to guarantee that handle_type is an
> integral type? It is so at least for POSIX and Win32. This would allow the
> programmer to output handle_type's to std::ostreams's (for tracing
> purposes, for instance) and to use handle_type's in a number of scenarios,
> vg to store them in STL data structures.

Win32's HANDLE is a pointer type. Does that count as integral?

Excellent work on the library, all in all.

Sebastian Redl

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